Jan 5, 2011


Hi, I'm Ryan Wilson. Welcome to my blog. I just graduated from the University of Minnesota with a degree in public relations, and am now embarking on a career in internet marketing. My current areas of focus are social media, email, and search. I hope it becomes of some value for others who currently are internet marketers, or who are looking to go into the field. I plan on sharing my experiences as I start my life as a marketing professional, what I find to work well and what doesn't work so well. For fellow young professionals, I want this to be a place where you can follow along on my journey and maybe share experiences. For seasoned pros, I hope this is a place you can find insight from the next generation of marketers. For students, I want to share with you the things I think will give you an advantage when you enter the job market, the stuff that hasn't made it into your textbooks yet.


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