Feb 11, 2013

Beginners Guide to Ecommerce SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is critical to eCommerce success. It is one of the most competitive landscapes in search and many businesses are fighting for space on page one for their products. If you’re a new eCommerce site, or an eCommerce site that wants to start doing SEO, this article is for you.

1. Lots of Unique Content

Unique content is important for any web site, but it seems to be missing from many eCommerce sites. Look through your site and opportunities to place content on pages including home pages, category pages, and customer service pages. You should have high quality articles written for your domain too about your business. Starting a blog is another great way to start generating content for your domain.

2. Optimized Product Pages

Getting product pages to rank high on search engines is SEO gold for eCommerce sites. Make sure you are writing your own content for these products and not using the manufacturers’ descriptions. If you use the manufacturers’ description, it will be the same content many other sites are using and have no search value. Do keyword research and find out what the best terms are to describe your products and include it in the title and product description.

3. Optimized URLs

The URLs that eCommerce platforms automatically generate are generally not great for SEO. You want to make sure that the keywords for products or product categories are contained in the URLs. Also try and get the key terms you’re trying to rank on as close to the beginning of the URL as possible.

4. Unique Title Tags

With the large amount of pages eCommerce sites contain, it can be hard to keep track of all the meta tags and sites often duplicate a generic title tag by default across many pages. To win on SEO, eComm sites should make sure each page has a unique title tag and the title contains the page’s key words.

5. Reviews

Product reviews from customers are a great way to generate original and organic content for your pages. Encourage customers to review your items on the page or maybe with an email after they purchase. You’ll also need to make sure that the reviews can be read by search bots. Google and many other search engines don’t read dynamically generated content. If your reviews are dynamically generate, there are some services that can generate SEO friendly formats.

6. Social Widgets

Social metrics on pages can help them rank high. Make the products on your eCommerce site easy to share with social media share buttons. Configure your pages so the information in passed correctly to the social sites like the product name and image.